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About + Contact

About the Town Hall Lecture Series

Founded in 1983, the North Platte Town Hall Lecture Series has brought engaging, insightful and informative speakers from across the world to audiences in North Platte, Nebraska. Four lectures per season are held in the historic Neville Center for the Performing Arts, aiming to entertain, inspire and educate our members with a variety of speakers and topics to enhance the cultural life of our area. All lectures begin at 10:30 a.m. CST at the Neville Center, located at 301 East 5th Street.

Our distinguished lineup of speakers throughout the 40-year history of the Town Hall Lecture Series has included a diverse array of luminaries from around the nation and the world, including journalists, authors, actors, political figures, scientists, elite athletes, and more. We are proud to have have brought more than 120 speakers to North Platte.

Our Board of Directors

Kathleen Keenan, President & Speakers
Sue Huebner, Vice President & Lunch Narrator
Sherry French, Secretary, Historian
Malinda Paloucek, Treasurer
Betty Guynan, Membership
Marcia Olson, Speaker Hostess Barb Peterson, Speaker Hostess
Libby Lashley, Marketing & Mailings
Kayla Thurman, Technology & Marketing
Amy Engel, Corporate Sponsorships
Kristin Borman, Publicity

Contact Town Hall


Mailing Address:
Town Hall Lecture Series
P.O. Box 825
North Platte, NE 69103


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